October 6, 2024 4 minutes minutes read Dimitris

Layla's big car adventure

i am layla, poodle fluff

one year old and full of love

but there's one thing that makes me freeze

car rides give me wobbly knees

it all started when i was wee

a bumpy ride scared little me

now even when the car's not moving

my tummy starts its worried grooving

my human says, "layla, come!"

i know what's next, oh here we go

i climb inside, my legs all shaky

drool starts forming, oh so achy

engine's off, we haven't moved

but my fear has not improved

i'm not sick, just scared you see

memories are hard to flee

i wish i could be brave and strong

enjoy the rides, sing car-trip songs

but for now i'll sit and drool

and hope one day cars will seem cool

my human pets me, says i'm good

tries to show cars aren't so crude

maybe one day i will learn

that cars aren't something i should spurn

till then i'll try my very best

to face my fears with fluffy zest

cause even though cars make me drool

my human thinks i'm super cool!