November 21, 2024 ~1 minute minutes read Dimitris

How (not) to fall asleep

First, arrange yourself in what you believe is a natural sleeping position. Become instantly aware that you've forgotten how human bodies work. Are arms always this long? Do they normally just dangle there? Where exactly do elbows go when you're not thinking about them?

Breathe naturally. Notice your breathing. Experience the unique pleasure of your body forgetting how to perform its most basic function. You now have to do it yourself, like a teenager taking over the family car for the first time, but with oxygen.

Clear your mind completely. When that fails, please enjoy this vivid replay of every slightly awkward interaction you've had since 2003.

Count something soothing, like your heartbeat. Notice it's a bit fast. Wonder if that's normal. Consider that the phone is right there and WebMD just got updated.

Remember how easily you fell asleep yesterday during that important time. Your body apparently operates on spite and irony alone.

Achieve perfect peace by calculating exactly how many hours of sleep you'll get if you fall asleep right now. Recalculate every seven minutes, adjusting for the time spent calculating.

Optional bonus step: Find the perfect sleeping position. Immediately need to use the bathroom.

If all else fails, try to stay awake. Your body loves a challenge.